
Optimizing vertical videos for older BrightSign players

If you have an older BrightSign player that is not playing your vertical videos (i.e. 1080×1920) it may be to do with b-frames.

Please note this information applies only to vertical videos on older (series 4 and below) BrightSign players. All other orientations and players are unaffected

Many older BrightSign models do not support vertical video encoded with b-frames. The player will typically display a black screen before moving on to the next item in the playlist.

This guide shows you how to remove b-frames from a video file using Handbrake.


Download the latest version of Handbrake and launch the application.

Drag your video file in to the app.

Click on the dimensions tab and set the resolution limit to Custom. In this example the video is HD so we set the maximum size to 1080 x 1920.

Now click on the Video tab and in the advanced options type  b-pyramid=0 

Choose a location to save your new video file using the Browse button at the bottom of the app. 

Finally, click on Start Encode in the top action bar and the video will be converted


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