
How to manually install the AbleSign app on an AndroidTV

We will be using an app called ‘Downloader’ to download the AbleSign app. If you’re not familiar with ‘Downloader’ you can find a step by step guide here on how to install it.

Start the downloader app

When you first start the downloader app you will be presented with the following screen:

digital sign android app

Click Allow to give ‘Downloader’ permission to access your filesystem.

The app will show a quick start guide:

firetv downloader guide

Click OK to continue.

Using the Downloader app

You will now be presented with the home screen of the Downloader app:

firetv downloader home

Press the select button on your remote control to select the entry field.

firetv digital sign select field

Press the select button again to bring up the entry panel. 

digital signage androidtv download

Using your remote control, enter the code 999825 and then press Go.

The screen will show that it is redirecting to the AbleSign website and then proceed to download the AbleSign app.  

download digital signage app

After a short while the download will complete. The AbleSign app has been downloaded but not yet installed. If you have not enabled ‘install unknown apps’ for Downloader, you will receive a security message as shown below and prompted to change your settings.

If you have already configured the downloader app correctly you will not see the below screen – jump straight to the Install the AbleSign app section further down this page.

android digital signage security

Using your remote control highlight Settings and click it. You will be taken to the following screen:

digital signage androidtv app

Select Downloader in the list and toggle the switch to on.

androidtv allow signage app

Click the select button again to turn the ‘Downloader app’ to ‘ON’ as shown below:

Install the AbleSign app

At this point the AbleSign app has been successfully downloaded and we just need to install it.

Click on Install using your remote control.

install android signage app

The following screen will appear:

androidtv signage app
That’s it, the AbleSign app is now installed on your FireTV. Press the OPEN button to launch the AbleSign app.

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