
How to set start and expiry dates on content

If you have an image, video or website that relates to a specific event you can set a start and expiry date. This will ensure the media only gets displayed when it’s relevant.

Working with dates

Log in to your account and head to the Content Library.

digital signage content

In this example, we will work with the Demo HD beach video so click on that.

demo video for digital signage

Setting an expiry date

On the right side of the screen you will find the Schedule. Click on the Expiry date & time and enter the date when you would like the media to expire.

expiry date for signage

Save your changes. 

Once an expiry date has been entered, the media will play normally on screens until the expiry date is reached.  After the expiry date, the media will automatically be removed from any playlists that it appears in. 

It will still show in the content library but with an ‘Expired’ badge. 

expired digital signage content

Start dates

Start dates work in a similar fashion. When a start date is entered, the item can be placed in a playlist but it will not display on any screens until the start date is reached.

Media with a start date set will show with a green ‘Scheduled’ badge.

scheduled digital signage content

If the item appears in any playlists, it will also carry a ‘Scheduled’ badge.

demo content dates

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