
How to display content on your digital signage screen

Step-by-step instructions

It’s incredibly easy to build a playlist for your screen using AbleSign, so let’s get started.

From the screens page, click on the screen you would like to work with. In this case we are using the demonstration screen that is included with every account.

screens page for digital signage

The Manage Screen page has a header with information about your screen, and then two sections side by side – the Playlist canvas and the Content Library. Building a playlist for your screen is simply a matter of dragging items from the Content Library to the Playlist. 

example signage screen

Start by dragging the Demo HD video (waterfall) file to the Playlist.

digital signage drag and drop

The duration box allows you to specifiy how long the content should be displayed for. For video files this will show the duration of the video.

drag and drop screen

You can drag as many items as you like in to your playlist. You can re-order the playlist items simply by dragging them to the correct position.

playlist add on digital signage

When you are ready to display your playlist on your screen, click the SAVE CHANGES button. You may get a message displayed the first time you do this.

save playlist on signage

That’s it. Your screen will work in the background to download the content in your playlist. It will then begin displaying your content.

firetv digital sign

Changing screen orientation (optional)

If your screen is mounted vertically (portrait) you should adjust your screens settings so that your playlist is displayed correctly.

Click the settings button in the top right to bring up the screen settings window.

digital signage screen orientation

Select the correct orientation from the drop-down list and you’re done.

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