Knowledge base Getting started How to setup a screen group Print How to setup a screen group PostedFebruary 18, 2023 UpdatedAugust 28, 2024 ByAbleSign If you have multiple screens with the same playlist, a screen group allows you to manage them all in one place. The process is very straightforward. We simply create a group playlist, and then assign screens to the group. To start, click on GROUPS in the menu bar. Click Add Screen Group and enter a name for the group. Your newly created group will be listed: Click on your new group to view it. The process for building your group playlist is exactly the same as for a single screen, so let’s add a couple of media items. The next process is to assign screens to our group. Any screens you add will automatically take on the group playlist.Click on ASSIGN SCREENS. Select the screens that you want to include in the group.That’s it. Any changes you make to the group playlist will always be pushed out to all the screens that are members of the group. Was this article helpful? Yes No Submit Cancel Thank you for your feedback